Friday, May 2, 2014

Couple Misunderstanding

Couple Misunderstanding

It's been 2 days and 2 nights already where we're having misunderstanding with my partner ( wife ) which I never thought it would reached this long period of time and this is the first time we've never talk to each other for 2 days. It was so sad but I know this has a very big reason for us to learn and be strong, become more responsible and hope to love each other more than before after we can surpass / solved this problem.

I hated this situation but I sacrificed my feeling and forced myself not to settle this misunderstanding while deep inside my heart was struggling and fighting because I do have a soft heartened which is very easy to be pity to other people especially for love ones. I am a person who is a giver and a for giver and forget everything which was part of the past.

Why I need to do this?
I mean, why do I need not to pity my partner?
Why do I need to force myself to have a heart of stone to her?

The answers are:

I need to change something in our life, I need changes, improvements in our relationship because I feel like not growing in terms of taking care of one another. Not all the time because we all know we really care for our partner/love ones but sometimes due to too much confident that we think our partner will always understand us though we did wrong thing, we never notice or feel that we hurt her or him.

I want my wife/partner to learn more things especially taking care of us, me or in the future when time comes that we will be having our children. I wanted to teach her how to do all the important things as a good wife to her husband because sometimes a person don't know those simple things or responsibilities of a wife to her husband and family.

I don't want to remain on this kind of relationship in which a person will never argue even his/her partner is in the wrong side or doing wrong. I wanted her to realize her mistakes because I am doing the same thing to her. I don't want to tolerate mistakes anymore, it needs to be corrected but due to a persons attitude of being a hard headed this should need an argue and that's the time "misunderstanding" will invade both of us or you.

The saddest thing happens next to misunderstanding! Click here

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